Sailor - Trouble In Hong Kong

Sailor - Trouble In Hong Kong слова, текст песни.

Deep in the heart of the midnight world (down in the red light)
The story was told of a beautiful girl (Queen of the red light)
She was born on a sampan, never knew her dad
But her looks were filled with fortune
And for this, they knew she'd be an ocean of

Trouble in Hong Kong
Trouble in Hong Kong

People may live by the rules of the town (down in the red light)
But she made her own by the strength of her crown (Queen of the red light)
She would aim with a shotgun to chase the pimps away
But one night, they came too many
And the price was always high for any

Trouble in Hong Kong
Trouble in Hong Kong

So she ran through the streets and the alleyways
Down to the docks (Why didn't she call the cops?)
I don't know
But from those kind of guys,
No one ever gets away...

Keeping it silent is what they prefer
Nobody knows what happened to her
But a newspaperman said
That you don't go far
When you go against the underworld
Boy, they bring you down, down, down...

Trouble (Trouble) in Hong Kong
Trouble (Trouble) in Hong Kong
She was an ocean of Trouble (Trouble) in Hong Kong


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