Jack Off Jill - Clear Hearts Grey Flowers

Jack Off Jill - Clear Hearts Grey Flowers слова, текст песни.

Your mouth is like funeral
where words go to die
Your mouth is like funeral
where kisses go to die
I'm not the girl that stopped and stared
I'm not the girl that lied
Your mouth is like funeral
where kisses go to die

this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you got
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you get from me

Your mouth is like an open sore
where words blister and die
Your mouth is like an open sore
where kisses rot and die
I'm not the girl that stopped and stared
I'm not the girl that lied
Your mouth is like an open sore
where kisses rot and die

this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you got
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you get from me

clear hearts grey flowers
clear hearts and grey...

this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you want this is what you wanted
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
fuck you
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you want this is what you wanted
fuck YOU
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want this is what you get
this is what you want from me

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