Lady Lily - Patrik Pacard

Lady Lily - Patrik Pacard слова, текст песни.

Patrik - Patrik - Patrik Pacard

Patrik - Patrik - Patrik Pacard.
There is a secret it's his

follows you no matter where you are

Worth more than many a dream - Patrik Pacard.
Good men and bad by your side

somewhere out there in the dark

Gone with the morning light - Patrik Pacard.

you're a stranger here

You're still in danger here
all on your own.
Heroes must win in the end

you are the best one by far - Patrik Pacard

Patrik - Patrik - Patrik Pacard

Patrik - Patrik - Patrik Pacard

Patrik Pacard!
you're a stranger here
. . .

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