My Awesome Compilation - Longshot

My Awesome Compilation - Longshot слова, текст песни.

Whatever you suspect now is not the time
Recognising signs as we move on
As far as I can see; not time to make a plan
Only time will tell as we go on

It’s a longshot
But we’ll try
It’s a longshot
But we’ll try

We’ll set the stage on fire tonight
And everyone will sing this tonight
We’ll set the stage on fire tonight
And everyone will sing along

Stay calm and collect
There’s no time to reflect
We all have regrets, so let’s move on

We’ll take it while we can.
We’ll take it in this breath
We’ve waited for this break for so long.

It’s a longshot
But we’ll try
It’s a longshot
But we’ll try

We’ll set the stage on fire tonight
And everyone will sing this tonight
We’ll set the stage on fire tonight
And everyone will sing along

It’s a longshot
But we’ll try
It’s a longshot
But we’ll try
It’s a longshot
But we’ll try

-Guitar Section-

We’ll set the stage on fire tonight
And everyone will sing this tonight
We’ll set the stage on fire tonight
And everyone will sing along
And everyone will sing along
And everyone will sing along

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