Young Neil - Mr. Disappointment

Young Neil - Mr. Disappointment слова, текст песни.

Where did all the feelings go?
What about that happy glow?
Was that so long ago,
When we were first in love?

I didn't feel the change,
Everything was still the same.
And when that moment came,
I didn't know.

I miss the feeling,
I miss the light,
But I got faith in something,
I'll never give up the fight.

Why's it so heavy,
This love of mine,
I lost the feeling,
I lost the time.

I'd like to shake your hand,
Looks like you win again,
But this time might be the last.

Let's say I got a habit,
Let's say it's hard to break,
Let's say we got to do something,
Before it's just too late.

I want to get you back,
I don't know how to do that,
I miss you loving me,
The way you used to.

I'm taking the blame myself,
For livin' my life in a shell,
And now I'm breakin' out,
But will you still be there?

Let's say that love is blind,
Let's say that time is kind,
Let's say that it's not over,
'Til it's over.

I'd like to shake your hand,
Looks like you win again,
But this time might be the last.

I'm saving the best for last,
Let's leave this all in the past,
The beauty of loving you,
Is what we've both been through.

So now it's up to me,
To set your spirit free,
So you can swing again,
On our gate.

I'd like to shake your hand,
Looks like you win again,
But this time might be the last.

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