Blackmore's Night - Spanish Nights (I Remember It Well)

Blackmore's Night - Spanish Nights (I Remember It Well) слова, текст песни.

Silent she rose from

Cold desert sands

Painted in shadows

A dark caravan...

Quiet as a whisper with

Moves like a cat

She ruled like a storm cloud

Her eyes glowing black...

Oh, and they cry "Malaguena

Wait for me Malaguena"

I remember it well...

Oh, and they cry "Malaguena

Wait for me Malaguena"

I remember it...

I remember it well...

Oh, too well...

And so they rode on

Wings of a song

Spinning in silence

The world was their own...

Two lovers locked in

Arms of the dance

Freedom begins

With the game of chance

Oh, and they cry "Malaguena

Wait for me Malaguena"

I remember it well...

Oh, and they cry "Malaguena

Wait for me Malaguena"

I remember it...

I remember it well...

And now they rise

Like a wave on the seas

Lost in a rhythm

And ever they'll be...

Oh, and they cry "Malaguena

Wait for me Malaguena"

I remember it well...

Oh, and they cry "Malaguena

Wait for me Malaguena"

I remember it...

I remember it well...

Oh, too well...

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