Stone Temple Pilots - Dead & Bloated

Stone Temple Pilots - Dead & Bloated слова, текст песни.

I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me on
my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated

I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me on
my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated

Ohh yeah, and she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run
Ohh yeah, and she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run

You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'
You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'

I am trampled under sole of
antoher man's shoes
Guess I walked too softly

Ohh yeah, and she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run
Ohh yeah, and she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run

You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'
You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'

I run through the world thinkin' 'bout tomorrow, thinkin' 'bout tomorrow
I run through the world thinkin' 'bout tomorrow, thinkin' 'bout tomorrow

I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me on
my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated

I run through the world thinkin' 'bout tomorrow, thinkin' 'bout tomorrow

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