Liar Of Golgotha - The Soul Above All Others

Liar Of Golgotha - The Soul Above All Others слова, текст песни.

Deducting waves of existance, of being, of life itself, obtained
by a simple spell of brightness covering the dark contours
of Her iris'. Her charm engulfing me as flies around a continious
lightning bolt, luring me into a fatal temptation. Leaving me
lifeless in an anesthetic trace of vulvic scent,
Her most precious magic potion, amorously pungent.
But as we linked Her draining curse metamorphed into
a mutual exchange; Her energy as inspiration covering my fingers.
She had caught a slight draft of underestimation,
when She approached me under the intention of perforating
holes in my aura. I have the soul above all others, which
lessens my vulnerability. So when She performed Her task on me
I fed upon Her radiance. Proclaimed the whore of Satan,

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