A la Carte - River Blue

A la Carte - River Blue слова, текст песни.

When I'm feeling down

When in a world of thousand tears I slowly drown

Then I want to go back where the world is mine
And where I have left the best of my time.
River blue -
Take me back to the valley where I belong
Only you know that deep in my heart
I feel lonesome from morn' until the dark.
River blue -
Tell my sweetheart that I miss him more and mor
River blue - tell him my love's still strong.
Roll on
oh river blue.
I tried to play cool

Tried to be free but all I found was ache in my soul
I am lost in walls I'm sinkin' in the crowd
How I need your love I'm prayin' out loud.

River blue -
. . .
Where's the door from dream to reality?
Where's the way to living free in harmony?

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