Imbecile Anthem
Youґre the master we are tools
We follow your star we are the ship of fools
How can you ask whether I still love you
you know there will be no answer as we know that I do
Some mistakes one never wants to learn from and he canґt
didnґt you listen didnґt you care donґt you understand
Iґve got a song for the fools
for all the imbeciles
Youґre the master we are tools
We follow your star we are the ship of fools
I didnґt fall in love it was love that fell on me
It just happend you just happened hard and suddenly
Some mistakes one never wants to learn from and he canґt
didnґt you listen didnґt you care donґt you understand
Iґve got a song for the fools
for all imbeciles
Youґre the master we are tools
We follow your star we are the ship of fools
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