Downtown Singapore - Velvet Divorce

Downtown Singapore - Velvet Divorce слова, текст песни.

This bridge I've established
Has been crumbling down
The truthful wagers has been taking me down

What can I do?
Honest, honestly
What can I do?

This bridge is just too much for me to bear
To understand the love without the tears
And you possess the strength to make amends
And passed it up

The bridge I've established
Has been crumbling down
The truthful wagers has been taking me down

What can I do?
Honest, honestly
What can I do?

This bridge is just too much for me to bear
To understand the love without the tears
And you possess the strength to make amends
And you passed it up

I will face your wake
And chase away my thoughts
And all my dreams
Erase the past
And all the memories
And build my life

This bridge I've established
Has been crumbling down
The truthful wagers has been taking me down

What can I do?
Honest, honestly
What can I do?

What can I do?
Honest, honestly
What can I do?

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