Van Morrison - Celtic Ray

Van Morrison - Celtic Ray слова, текст песни.

Celtic Ray
When Lewellyn comes around
And he goes through Market Town
You'll be on the Celtic Ray
Are you ready?
When McMannus comes around
On his early morning rounds
Crying "Hey..."
You'll be on the Celtic Ray

Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales
I can hear the mothers' voices calling
"Children, children, children"

When the coal brick man comes 'round
On a cold November day
You'll be on the Celtic Ray
Are you ready? Are you ready?

Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales
I can hear the mothers' voices calling
"Children, children, children"

Listen to me! I want to go home.
Listen to me! I want to go home.
I've been away from the Ray too long
I've been away from the Ray too long

All over Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales
I can hear the mothers' voices calling
"Children, children, come home children"
"Children, come home on the Celtic Ray"
"In the early morning we'll go walking
where the light comes shining through
On the Celtic Ray

Come home children
Come home on the Celtic Ray

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