I Will Be There
Whenever the sunshine comes through
Whenever my thoughts turn to you
Whatever you want me to do
I will be there
Well I've crawled up to hell
Now I've been through the mill
Just as long as I fit the bill
I will be there
If it's on a lazy afternoon in summertime
And you're drinking champagne and wine
Anytime I don't mind
Even though I got the blues
After I've paid all my dues
You decide to go for a cruise
I will be there
And if I saw her lately afternoon in summer time
When your drinking champagne of mine
Anytime I don't mind
Even if I've got the blues
After I've paid all my dues
You decide to go for a cruise
I wanna grab my razor and my suitcase
And my toothbrush and my overcoat
And my underwear
I will (oh, oh) be there
I will be there
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