Van Morrison - Jambalaya

Van Morrison - Jambalaya слова, текст песни.

Goodbye Joe, me gotta go down the bayou
Me gotta go, pole the pirogue down the bayou
My Yvonne, sweetest one, me oh my oh
Son of a gun, we gonna have big fun on the bayou

Well, jambalaya an' a crawfish pie an' a fil'e gumbo
'Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar an' be gay-o
Son of a gun, we gonna have big fun on the bayou

Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzin'
Hey, an' the kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen
Well, and-a dress in style, go hog wild an' be gay-o
Son of a gun, we gonna have big fun on the bayou

Well, jambalaya an' a crawfish pie, an' a fil'e gumbo
'Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Well a pick guitar, fill fruit jar an' be gay-o
Son of a gun, we gonna have a big fun on the bayou

Wanna settle down, far from town, get me a pirogue
Gonna catch all the fish in the bayou
Gonna swap my mon, to buy Yvonne, what she need-o
Son of a gun, we gonna have a big fun on the bayou

Well, jambalaya, an' a crawfish pie, an' a fil'e gumbo
'Cause, tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar an' be gay-o
Son of a gun, we're gonna have big fun on the bayou

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