Van Morrison - Purple Heather

Van Morrison - Purple Heather слова, текст песни.

arranged by Van Morrison
Well the summertime has gone
And the leaves are gently turnin'
And my love I wanna take you
To the place heart-a-yearnin'
Will you go, lassie go

And we'll all go together
In the wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will you go

And I will build my love a tower
At the foot of yonder mountain
And visit by the hour
From a lonely wooden tower
Will you go, lassie go

And we'll all go together
In the wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Come on

At the foot of yonder mountain
I will visit by the hour
With the lily of the valley
Go, will you go, lassie go

And we'll all go together
In the wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will you go, lassie go
Will you go
Will you go, will you go
Will you go, lassie go

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