Heart and soul
Body and mind
Heart and soul
Body and mind
Heart and soul
Body and mind
Meet me on the river of time
(Meet me on the river of time)
Meet me on the river of time
Brother of mine
Sister of mine
Brother of mine
Sister of mine
Heart and soul
Body and mind
Meet me on the river of time
(Meet me on the river of time)
Meet me on the river of time
Lover of soul
Lover of mine
Lover of soul
Lover of mine
Heart and soul
Body and mind
Meet me on the river of time
(Meet me on the river of time)
Meet me on the river of time
Meet me on the river of time
On the river of time
(Meet me on the river of time)
On the river of time
(Meet me on the river of time)
On the river of time
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