Van Morrison - Rolling Hills

Van Morrison - Rolling Hills слова, текст песни.

Among the rolling hills I'll live my life in Him
Oh I will live my life in Him among the rolling hills

With my wife and child I'll do no man no ill
Oh I will do no man no ill among the rolling hills

Among the rolling hills I'll read my bible still
Oh I will read my bible still among the rolling hills

With my pen I'll write my song among the rolling hills
With my pen I'll write my song among the rolling hills

I will do my jig among the rolling hills
Oh I will do my jig and live among the rolling hills

With my pen I'll write my song among the rolling hills
I'll take out my pen and write my song among the rolling hills

And I'll stand and watch it all among the rolling hills
Oh I will stand and watch it all among the rolling hills

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