Van Morrison - The Last Laugh

Van Morrison - The Last Laugh слова, текст песни.

From the Sailing To Philadelphia album

Don't you love the sound
Of the last laugh, my friend
Don't you love the sound
Of the last laugh, at the end

Down in the gutter
With the mad old soldiers
Down in the scuppers
With the drunken sailors
Down in the gutter
With the mad old soldiers
But the last laugh, baby is yours

And don't you love the sound
Of the last laugh goin' down

Games you thought you'd learned
You neither lost nor won
The dreams have crashed and burned
You still keep on, keepin' on

Out on the highway
With the road gang, workin'
Up on a mountain
With a cold wind blowin'

Out on the highway
Was a road band, workin'
But the last laugh, baby is yours

And don't you love the sound
Of the last laugh, goin' down

They had you cryin'
And you came up smilin'
They had you crawlin'
And you came up flyin'
They had you cryin'
And you came up smilin'
And the last laugh, baby is yours

And don't you love the sound
The last laugh goin' down?
Well, don't you love the sound
Of the last laugh, goin' down

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