Let go!
I don't know
I don't know
How to save you
Breathe into your lungs it's almost over now
Let go!
Hold on tight
Don't let go
I could save you
I could save you
I can't save you anymore
I'll take it back and hold my breathe (hold my breathe)
"I'm breaking my fist on the wall next to your door"
On bended knee I'll pray for you (pray for you)
On angels wings we'll find what we've been "looking" for
Let go!
Moving fast
Moving slow
My head's spinning
In slow motion over desperate breaths of air
Hold on tight
Don't let go
I could save you
I could save you
I can't save you anymore
I'll take it back and hold my breathe (hold my breathe)
"I'm breaking my fist on the wall next to your door"
On bended knee I'll pray for you (pray for you)
On angels wings we'll find what we've been "looking" for
On angels wings
I'll take it back and hold my breathe (hold my breathe)
"I'm breaking my fist on the wall next to your door"
On bended knee I'll pray for you (pray for you)
On angels wings we'll find what we've been "lookin" for
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