A Day Away - She Needs To Know

A Day Away - She Needs To Know слова, текст песни.

Slightly toasted. That's the way this night began. She needs to know if she's still feeling anything, she needs to know if she's still feeling him. At a party, in a backroom, is where the truth comes out. She can see there's no love left in his eyes. He grabs he shoulder, she tells him that it's over and any more talk will just lead to lies.

And now this fairy tale is over. He'll try to turn his shoulder but he only wants to hold her.

Time is wasting. Young hearts are racing. The night is almost over now. And he can't stop pacing. Her heart's been breaking. The night is almost over now.

One eye open, you never know. Someone could completely stop her pulse. She needs to know if there's somebody better and she needs to know if that means someone else. On a loveseat, her apartment's where it all comes out. She can see there's no love left in his eyes. She fluffs her collar, and tells him not to bother, cuz' any more talk will just lead to lies.

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