A Shine - The Drewling Baby

A Shine - The Drewling Baby слова, текст песни.

I cut myself today
I really don't know how
It wouldn't hurt that much
If I knew just how

I'm really calm this morning
But it still hurts a lot
Picked it in my mind
I never saw this other way

Little drewling baby
Is having a tooth
His hair is growing
His eyes will open
He will see the world
I know [repeat 3]

I never ever bleed
How ever much it hurts
Always drink too much
I cut myself again

We're trying to [...]
We're trying to laugh
[...] makes me someone new
Smiling at me

Little drewling baby
Is having a tooth
His hair is growing
His eyes will open
He will see the world
I know [repeat 7]

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