A Shine - The Vibes

A Shine - The Vibes слова, текст песни.

It's been in [...] of mind
Who wave at [...]
How could I ever let it come
Ever let it come to this
Never hold onto a [...]
Swimming on in life
Guess it's like I've been told
Everything goes round

How deep that I know
When the right wind to go
But I'm not so sure anymore
This is my religion
This is my belief
What I think I can forgive you
If I knew you really want to go

How can I let go [repeat 4]

You can turn me around
Until the day I go off
I won't have it come to that
No matter what they do to me
Every move is [...]
Every move seem so [...]
Finally come around the bend
Never certain about

How deep that I know
What's the right way to go
But I'm not so sure anymore
'Cause This is my religion
This is my belief
What I think I can forgive you
If I know you really want to go

How can I let go [repeat 12]

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