Is it you again outside,
Just banging on the front door?
You say you had enough,
Now you're coming' back for more,
But that's alright.
I said that that's alright.
I may not want to admit it,
I'm just a fool for your stockings I believe.
Now I don't mind when you send money
and bring your girlfriends with you,
But how could one be so thoughtless to try
and handle less than two?
But that's alright.
I said that that's alright, baby.
I may not want to admit it,
I'm just a fool for your stockings I believe.
Now I'm tellin' everybody
It seems too good to be true:
Sweet things can always get sweeter.
I know mine did, how about you?
Yes, it's alright.
I said, yes it is, that's alright.
I may not want to admit it,
I'm just a fool for your stockings I believe
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