I dropped out of society
Fell by the wayside so to speak
Quit my job i'm a lazy slob
Never lift a finger 'cept for my heart throb
I'm a sinpusher, hangin' on the on the "dl" down low
Just a sinpusher, kinda like heaven or hell
I want a bit of everything
I'm wanted by the law
I just want a little bit
I guess i want it all
I'm a sinpusher, hangin' on the on the "dl" down low
I'm just a sinpusher, kinda like heaven or hell
I like my big fat back
I like my ya ya thin
I like to push it down
Into the land of sin
I'm a sinpusher, hangin' on the on the d.l., down low
I'm a sinpusher, kinda like heaven or hell
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