Call me a pretty boy
They call me a saint
They call me a sinner
It's gonna be the same
Now i'm not afraid
And i'm not afeared
I ain't gonna lose it
And i'm not scared
To do the fearless boogie
To do the fearless boogie
Smokin' fearless boogie
Until it's gone
They call me a pontiac
The red in my neck
They call me a cadillac
They call me a wreck
Now i'm not afraid
And i'm not scared
Now i ain't gonna lose it
No, i'm not afear
And do the fearless boogie
To do the fearless boogie
Smokin' fearless boogie
Until it's gone
They call me a lover
They call me a fool
They call me a winner
They call me a mule
Do the fearless boogie
Do the fearless boogie
Smokin' fearless boogie
Until it's gone, gone, gone [till the fear is gone]
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