Solid-silver beat machine
Hunkin' down
Funkin' up on Magazine
On rhythmeen in New Orleans
Drinkin' Dixie 45 with hot links
In a silver Continental
Wired as hell and doin' things
That's what you get on rhythmeen
Oh yeah, way up
Oh yeah, way out
Uh-huh, get on up
Rhythmeen is down
Rhythmeen thing
Mean mean rhythmeen
Can't get enough of that special sauce
The backbeat's the big boss
Here comes another dope fiend
Tradin' up for rhythmeen
Oh yeah, weird up
Oh yeah, fear not
Uh-huh, get on up
Rhythmeen is down
Leanin' on a silver Lincoln
A Galaxy 500
In a Mustang might Tchoupitoulas
Rhythmeen up everything
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