Tori Amos - I I E E E

Tori Amos - I I E E E слова, текст песни.

(I… he i… he i… he i… I… he i… he i… ye i…)
Ya lie die... ya da da da die... ya da... da da die...
With your E's and your ease and I do one more.
(I… he i… he i… he i…)
Need a lip-gloss boost in your America.
(I… he i… he i… he i…)
Is it God's, is it yours, sweet saliva?
(I… he i… he i… he i…)
With your E's and your ease and I do one more.

I know we're dying, and there's no sign of a parachute.
We scream in cathedrals. Why can't it be beautiful?
Why does there gotta be a sa-sa-sacrifice?
Gotta be a sa-sa-sacrifce...

(I… he i… he i… he i... I… he i… he i…)
Just say yes, you little arsonist.
You're so sure you can save every hair on my chest.
Just say yes, you little arsonist, you don't want-
With your E's and your ease and I do one more.
(I… he i… he i… he i…)
With your E's and your ease and I do one more.
(I… he i… he i… ye i…)
Ya lie die... ya da da da die... ya die... la die die...

Well, I know we're dying, and there's no sign of a parachute.
In this chapel little chapel of love can't we,
Get a little grace and some elegance?
No, we scream in cathedrals. Why can't it be beautiful?
Why does there gotta be a sa-sa-sacrifice?
Gotta be a sa- c’mon, sacrifice, please.
Gotta be a sa-sa-sacrifice.
(I… he i… he i… ye i…)

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