Tori Amos - Seaside

Tori Amos - Seaside слова, текст песни.

Heard from the TV
Of the latest bombing
The girls were dancing
She was coming of age

Shells fired out
Flowers mowed down
Innocence targeted
Whose God is this?
Wish that she had one more day

There at the seaside
5th of december
We chased the tide
As her treasures
Were gathered
I had to laugh
As she gave sand a bath

Jangle jangle
Jingle jangle
Jangle and circle again

Heard from the tv
Of the latest bombing
The girls were dancing
She was coming of age

Shells fired out
Flowers mowed down
Innocence targeted
Whose god is this?
Wish that she had one more day

There at the seaside
5th of december
We chased the tide
As her treasures
Were gathered
I had to laugh
As she gave sand a bath

Jangle jangle
Jingle jangle
Jangle and circle again

Jangle jangle
Jingle jangle
Jangle and circle again

Jangle jangle
Jingle jangle
Jangle and circle again

Jangle jangle
Jingle jangle
Jangle and circle and end

She was coming of age

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